Quarterly scientific journal

Views of parents of children with type 1 diabetes mellitus regarding care and safety in the school environment

Mariana Drakopoulou , Panagiota Begni , Paraskevi Apostolara


The prevalence of SDT1 is increasing annually in Europe and in Greece, with thousands of new cases every year. Properly managing a student with diabetes at school is a challenge for school nurses. The aim of this study is to explore the views of parents of children with SDT1, regarding care and safety in the school environment.A safe school environment improves the educational experience, enhances the well-being and health of students. The safety and satisfaction of parents of students with SDT1 in the school environment regarding the care their children receive has been studied internationally in recent years and demonstrates the concern of parents about the diabetic profile of children at school. Review of the literature suggests that the daily presence of the school nurse helps to significantly reduce the absences of students with diabetes, significantly increases the school performance of students, and at the same time leads to much improved management of SDT1.Ιn addition, where there is no school nurse for the care of the students with SDT1, the sense of security felt by the parents is recorded as extremely low.Nursingcare of the students with SDT1 in the school environment is strengthened, so the school becomes a safe environment and offers the same level of access to educational opportunities to all children.

Keywords: Type 1 diabetes mellitus, safety, care, school nursing, parents perceptions

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