Quarterly scientific journal

Knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of oncology hospital health professionals about Diabetes Melitus

Paraskevi Triantafillidou , Georgia Grammenou , Dionusios Bouzoukis



Background: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a serious chronic disease. Healthcare professionals’ knowledge and attitudes regarding DM can affect health outcomes of diabetic patients.

AimHealthcare professionals’ knowledge, attitudes and behavior regarding DM and malignancies.

Material and method: The present study was conducted among healthcare professionals of Anti-Cancer Hospital in Thessaloniki. DSDS and DAS-3 scales were used to assess the attitudes of health professionals regarding SD.

Results: 168 health professionals participated in the study, with a mean age of 44.08 years (SD ± 9.17) and an average working experience of 19.3 years (SD ± 8.99). Regarding participants' feelings about DM, the highest scores were found in "support from the family in managing diabetes" (4.36 ± 1.06) and in "exercise and diabetes mellitus" (4,35 ± 1,04). Participants agreed with the view that there is a need for special training regarding DM care, of healthcare professionals (mean 1.78 ± 0.48), while the sample had a neutral view on disease severity (mean 3.08 ± 0.57).

Conclusions: Training of healthcare personnel in DM is considered necessary. Organized interventions can facilitate diabetic patients’ attitudes regarding DM management, contributing to higher levels with treatment adherence.


Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, healthcare professionals, attitudes, perceptions.

Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, healthcare professionals, attitudes, perceptions

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